
Wednesday, July 21

The Blueberry Farm

Earlier this week, the girls and I visited a pick-your-own blueberry farm and pick we did. Even though it was super hot, we picked sixteen pounds!!
It was a very nice farm with seven acres of non-sprayed bushes. We were told that there were several varieties of blueberries and that we could sample as we went. I never would have believed that blueberries could taste so different. There was one that, blindfolded, I would have guessed was a small grape it was so sweet.
I have frozen about half of them for muffins and breads this winter and will can my second batch of jam tomorrow. How many have I eaten? I really can't say...a lot but I've enjoyed every single one!!


  1. It's great that you have found another tasty treat! You in that blueberry patch is like me in a strawberry patch.
    Love Y'all,

  2. These look great, Renee! We saw Tessa last night and she was telling us about all the blueberries. I think she was a little proud.
