
Tuesday, July 20

Summer CSA - Week 11 (or Yes, I Do Know That I'm The World's Worst Blogger)

Well, I've made good progress on my kitchen project to the neglect of most everything else in my life. (Except running. This is week three back on the trails!!) I'm hoping to paint the walls this weekend so I can post a pic.

Last week's share included lots of deliciousness...corn, heirloom tomatoes, lemon cucumbers, carrots, bell peppers, pattypan squash and potatoes. With the kids gone all week, we didn't eat much of this until the weekend. Sunday, we grilled out and the girls made some skewered veggies. I chopped up the leftovers for tonight's pizza.

I'm gonna share an embarrassing little fact because it epitomizes the week I had last week. I just grabbed a bunch of stuff out of the refrigerator for the grilled veggies, not realizing one of them was a cucumber. I was so exhausted I took it for zucchini. Grilled zucchini? Delish! Grilled cucumber? Not so much. So check out my poor, little desecrated cucumber below and laugh...I am.


  1. You are definitely not the world's worst blogger. Maybe just one of the busiest! I was going to warn you that Dad would be getting onto you for not blogging though. :)
    I can't wait to see your kitchen pictures!

  2. I have a friend who once went to the garden to pick an onion for dinner and came back in the house mad because the onions weren't growing. Her dad looked at what she had in her hand and laughed. She had picked a corn plant. This is also the same person who went to the store to get lettuce for our burgers one night and came back with a head of cabbage. You are not the only one. :)

  3. Grilling cucumbers or not...I'm glad you're back.

    PS: The corn looks extra yummy!
